Ep #15 - Kiss, Marry, Kill in the 60s: 1962
Cinema60 continues its series of Kiss, Marry, Kill - this time with a focus on the year 1962. As previously explained, it’s a variation on the ol’ FMK game, played year by year as we go through the decade. Bart and Jenna challenge each other to choose one film they love (“Marry”), one film they want to see (“Kiss”), and one film they hate (“Kill”) that was released in the year 1962.
While they set out to try and find some truth about the year, all Bart and Jenna really found was that they have very similar taste in movies. Experimental fringe films with dream logic? Heck yes, sign ‘em up. Conversely, what was most popular in 1962 were the big, brash, razzle-dazzle films that touted old-fashioned family values. In this episode, Bart and Jenna navigate through both types of film–powering through the good and the bad, to find the seeds of what’s to come later in the decade.
The following films are discussed:
• David & Lisa (1962)
Directed by Frank Perry
Starring Keir Dullea, Janet Margolin, Howard Da Silva
• The Inheritance (1962)
からみ合い (Karami-ai)
Directed by Masaki Kobayashi
Starring Keiko Kishi, Tatsuya Nakadai, Sô Yamamura
• Ivan’s Childhood (1962)
Иваново детство (Ivanovo detstvo)
Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
Starring Nikolay Burlyaev, Valentin Zubkov, Valentina Malyavina
• The Trial (1962)
Le procès
Directed by Orson Welles
Starring Anthony Perkins, Jeanne Moreau, Orson Welles
• Hatari! (1962)
Directed by Howard Hawks
Starring John Wayne, Elsa Martinelli, Red Buttons
• The Chapman Report (1962)
Directed by George Cukor
Starring Shelley Winters, Jane Fonda, Claire Bloom